RY Digital Marketing Agency – Top Digital Marketing Agency


RY 营销传媒成立于 2015 年。凭借 KFC 作为我们的首个客户,截至 2023 年底,我们已服务超过 50 名客户。 我们专注于两个领域,数字营销服务 & 内容创作。

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RY Marketing & Media Agency was founded in 2015. With KFC being our first client, we have grown to serve more than 50 clients by the end of 2021.

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Our Mission

To bring quality & affordable Marketing Services to every business in Singapore & Asia

Our Vision

To be one of the top Digital Marketing 

Agency in Singapore & Asia


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  • 专注于基于数据的短期和长期目标的增长
  • 优化营销支出以提高投资回报率
  • 每周提供绩效审查的见解
  • 数字营销策略只有在具备适当的营销渠道和材料的情况下才能发挥最佳效果
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What makes for the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Singapore?

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Below are some qualities we believe a top digital marketing agency should have:
Result-driven Performance

Are you tired of not getting the results you want from your digital marketing? A great marketing agency is successful in turning data into business growth.

At RY Marketing, we focus on data-driven growth to help our customers to achieve short-term and long-term goals. We optimize your marketing spending and bring you the best results and ROI. That’s why all our digital marketing services always include weekly or monthly insights for regular reviews. 

Provide both digital marketing & content creation service

Digital marketing strategies only work best with the proper marketing channels and material. If done separately, the result may be compromised.


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  • 拥有跨国公司(MNCs)和客户端经验的专业知识
  • 对客户业务有更深入的了解
  • 以客户为导向的方法
  • 提供全天候、包括周末的及时回复服务
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Lead by experienced professional

Check out the credentials of the people serving you. Whether they were from MNCs, or they have been from the “client-side” before. Sometimes the same “client-side” perspective can help them understand your business better.

Customer Service

Any good agency should be customer-oriented, able to provide timely & professional advice anytime when the customer needs them.

FYI, RY Marketing is 24/7, including weekends; very proud of our prompt reply services. 

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  • 坚信以激情交付结果
  • 作为市场营销人员,而不仅仅是客户经理的联系点参与
  • 确保适当的后续和客户支持
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We believe nobody can provide good results without doing it with passion. Make sure your chosen agency has that in them.


It is important that your point-of-contact is also a marketeer, not just a “salesperson” (account manager). There are many “complaints” in the industry; after the “salesperson” gets the client to sign the contract and passes the client to the technical team, there is no proper follow-up. This is something you want to avoid.

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  • 我们首先开始工作,不需要预付款
  • 首先专注于交付结果
  • 建立长期合作关系,而不需要立即的财务承诺
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Flexible payment terms

A good partnership is one that should help each other and grow together in the long run. 

Most of the digital marketing agencies in Singapore follow the common practice whereby they will sign a contract with customers and collect deposits first. By doing this, the customer is tied down by the contract, a minimum of 3 to 12 months, but they may or may not perform. 

RY Marketing is different.  We start work first. No deposit is required. We don’t tie any customers down. We believe that payment can always come later if we can perform, so why the rush?


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客户: Laptop Kingdom



每月网站访客超过 50,000

业绩增长超过 200%


客户: Crystallin




4 个月内




4 个月内


客户: EduCareer










Facebook Marketing

Client: Laptop Kingdom 

(one of the biggest laptop distributors in SG)

*Affordable budget
Monthly unique visitors >50k
Sales increase over 200%

Google SEO

Client: Crystallin

(one of the top trophy maker in SG)

Achieved 1st Google Page

(organic search)

Within 4 months




As a professional digital marketing agency,
how can we help your brand?

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  • 为了在当今的数字景观中蓬勃发展,您的营销策略应该涵盖诸如 Google、脸书、Instagram 以及新兴平台如小红书等。
  • 谷歌搜索引擎优化 (Google SEO),是一个强大的工具,可以帮助您接触潜在客户,因为它通常标志着他们在线旅程的开始。
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These days, one couldn’t say they have a good and thorough digital marketing strategy if they do not engage with Google, Facebook, or Instagram at all.

Especially when it comes to Google SEO, it is a goldmine since most of your potential buyers are likely to start the customer’s journey on this major search engine. There are no other second platforms that even come close to them.

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  • RY 营销传媒专注于使用经过验证的 SEO 和数字营销策略,将您的品牌排在搜索引擎的第一页。
  • 我们根据您独特的需求和目标量身定制策略,无论您是最适合 Google、脸书、Instagram 还是小红书。
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Knowing your target market is out there, searching for the “suitable you” that offers the exact products or services they have been looking for, yet the only problem is your target audience can’t seem to find you! That is why Google SEO is so important, to get you to the #1 page of the search engine. Our digital marketing specialist is confident that we can get you there with our proven SEO and digital marketing strategies.

While Google SEO is very effective for most businesses, it may not be effective for others. That is why in RY Marketing, we customize digital marketing strategies that are suitable for your specific needs and objectives. Depending on the nature of your businesses, perhaps Facebook or Instagram may be more suitable instead!

“ 我在新加坡寻找谷歌搜索引擎优化服务,他们在 6 个月内就将我的网站排在了谷歌搜索结果的第一页,即使我使用的是 Wix !表现令人印象深刻!”

Malinda, Elite Massage 创始人(新加坡顶级按摩院之一)
“ 他们的响应速度令人印象深刻。即使在周末和公共假日,我也能收到回复!时刻待命的感觉让我感到安心。”

Ralf, Fixinguru 创始人(新加坡顶级家居维修服务专家之一)
“ 我在市场上比较了不同的营销公司,我对我的决定感到满意。RY 以非常合理和实惠的价格提供优质的设计服务,物有所值!”

Wilson, Uncle Didi's Popcorn 联合创始人(新加坡快速增长的本地爆米花品牌)
“ 他们在4个月内成功获得了在谷歌搜索页面上的排名第一。这就是为什么我信任他们管理我的营销预算;他们能够提供有效的结果。”

Eric, Crystallin 创始人(新加坡顶尖奖杯制造商之一)
“ RY 营销传媒团队友好高效。他们为我提供了详细的解释,简单易懂的营销策略和优异的结果。我再也无法要求更多。"

Kelly, Crown Seafood Restaurant 海鲜餐厅总经理
“ 他们很好地理解我的需求。他们按照我要求的准确地提供了服务。他们一直努力进行修改,直到我获得满意的结果。"
“ 我对他们的表现不抱太大期望,因为他们的价格比其他公司低。但是他们的设计超出了我的期望,做得好!"
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“ 我在新加坡寻找谷歌搜索引擎优化服务,他们在 6 个月内就将我的网站排在了谷歌搜索结果的第一页,即使我使用的是 Wix !表现令人印象深刻!”

Malinda, Elite Massage 创始人(新加坡顶级按摩院之一)
“ 他们的响应速度令人印象深刻。即使在周末和公共假日,我也能收到回复!时刻待命的感觉让我感到安心。”

Ralf, Fixinguru 创始人(新加坡顶级家居维修服务专家之一)
“ 我在市场上比较了不同的营销公司,我对我的决定感到满意。RY 以非常合理和实惠的价格提供优质的设计服务,物有所值!”

Wilson, Uncle Didi's Popcorn 联合创始人(新加坡快速增长的本地爆米花品牌)
“ 他们在4个月内成功获得了在谷歌搜索页面上的排名第一。这就是为什么我信任他们管理我的营销预算;他们能够提供有效的结果。”

Eric, Crystallin 创始人(新加坡顶尖奖杯制造商之一)
“ RY 营销传媒团队友好高效。他们为我提供了详细的解释,简单易懂的营销策略和优异的结果。我再也无法要求更多。"

Kelly, Crown Seafood Restaurant 海鲜餐厅总经理
“ 他们很好地理解我的需求。他们按照我要求的准确地提供了服务。他们一直努力进行修改,直到我获得满意的结果。"
“ 我对他们的表现不抱太大期望,因为他们的价格比其他公司低。但是他们的设计超出了我的期望,做得好!"



  • 我们的团队就是您的团队!没有独占的“客户经理”。
  • 客户可以直接与专家如文案撰稿人或设计师进行讨论。
  • Raymond 是一位拥有客户端经验的专业市场人员,在三家财富 500 强公司担任要职,并与 200 多家传媒公司合作过。
  • 我们的团队就是您的团队!没有独占的“客户经理”。
  • 客户可以直接与专家如文案撰稿人或设计师进行讨论。
  • Raymond 是一位拥有客户端经验的专业市场人员,在三家财富 500 强公司担任要职,并与 200 多家传媒公司合作过。
  • 我们的数字营销和 SEO 专家来自知名营销公司。
  • 我们致力于理解客户的期望。
  • 我们 24/7 全天候工作。
  • 对于我们来说,数字营销是一种享受,我们为自己的文化和团队感到自豪!
  • 我们的数字营销和 SEO 专家来自知名营销公司。
  • 我们致力于理解客户的期望。
  • 我们 24/7 全天候工作。
  • 对于我们来说,数字营销是一种享受,我们为自己的文化和团队感到自豪!
What Clients Say
"I was looking for SEO services in Singapore and they get my website to the #1 google search result page within 6 months even my website is using Wix! Impressive!"

By Malinda, Founder of Elite Massage (One of the top massage parlour in Singapore)
What Clients Say
"Their response speed is impressive. I get replies even during weekends and public holidays! Being constantly on call felt reassuring."

By Ralf, Founder of Fixinguru (One of the top home problem-fixer in Singapore)
What Clients Say
"I compared different agencies in the market, and I’m not regretting my decision. RY marketing gives good quality designs at a very reasonable and affordable price. It’s worth every cent of it."

By Wilson, Co-Founder of Uncle Didi’s Popcorn (Fast growing local Popcorn brand in Singapore)
What Clients Say
"They have experience running ads campaign in different countries. That’s why I trusted them with my marketing budget, and they can deliver."

By Eric, Crystallin (one of the top trophy maker in Singapore)
What Clients Say
"The team of RY marketing is all friendly with high efficiency. They gave me detailed explanations and an easy understanding of marketing strategies with good results. I couldn’t have asked for more."

By Kelly, General Manager of Crown Seafood Restaurant
What Clients Say
"They understand my requirements well. They gave me exactly what I requested. They took the trouble to keep modifying till I got satisfactory results."
What Clients Say
"I didn’t expect much because their price is lower than other agencies. But their design exceed my expectation, good job!"
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What Clients Say

"I was looking for SEO services in Singapore and they get my website to the #1 google search result page within 6 months even my website is using Wix! Impressive!" By Malinda, Founder of Elite Massage (One of the top massage parlour in Singapore)
"Their response speed is impressive. I get replies even during weekends and public holidays! Being constantly on call felt reassuring." By Ralf, Founder of Fixinguru (One of the top home problem-fixer in Singapore)
"I compared different agencies in the market, and I’m not regretting my decision. RY marketing gives good quality designs at a very reasonable and affordable price. It’s worth every cent of it." By Wilson, Co-Founder of Uncle Didi’s Popcorn (Fast growing local Popcorn brand in Singapore)
"They have experience running ads campaign in different countries. That’s why I trusted them with my marketing budget, and they can deliver." By Eric, Crystallin (one of the top trophy maker in Singapore)
"The team of RY marketing is all friendly with high efficiency. They gave me detailed explanations and an easy understanding of marketing strategies with good results. I couldn’t have asked for more." By Kelly, General Manager of Crown Seafood Restaurant
"They understand my requirements well. They gave me exactly what I requested. They took the trouble to keep modifying till I got satisfactory results."
"I didn’t expect much because their price is lower than other agencies. But their design exceed my expectation, good job!"

So how are we different from the other
digital marketing agencies in Singapore?

Our team is YOUR team. We don’t believe in assigning ONLY one “Account manager” to our client. While Raymond himself is the “Account manager”, clients can also choose to discuss with any of our specialists directly, copywriter or designer.

Also, unlike most digital marketing agencies in Singapore, they are mostly set up by digital marketing specialists purely from the “agency-side”, which means they have little or no experience from the client-side.

We are different. Raymond is a professional marketeer with client-side experience, held important marketing management positions in three fortune 500 companies, and worked with over 200 marketing agencies. Our digital marketing or SEO specialists were strictly chosen from other renowned agencies to ensure they have the skillsets and broad experience to serve customers from various industries. We believe that having the best of two worlds; is the best our client could get!

So when it comes to understanding customers’ expectations? You bet we do.

Yes, we may not be the biggest… yet. But our clients love what we are doing! That’s why we are committed to doing it and 24/7! We always make sure we deliver, even if it means working at night or on weekends. Digital marketing is “fun” to us! We are proud of our culture, and especially with our fantastic team members!

Feel free to chat with us! We’d LOVE to discuss marketing strategy with you like a friend!

Your goals are our goals! Share them with us today!


RY 营销传媒的愿景是什么?

RY 营销传媒的愿景是成为新加坡和亚洲顶尖的数字营销公司。

RY 营销传媒的使命是什么?


RY 营销传媒认为哪些平台对于一个良好的数字营销策略至关重要?

RY 营销传媒认为,一个良好的数字营销策略应该与谷歌、Facebook 和 Instagram 进行互动。这些平台是大多数潜在客户开始他们的购买旅程的地方,特别是谷歌 SEO ,因为它被视为接触潜在客户的黄金矿藏。

RY 营销传媒提供定制化的数字营销策略吗?

RY 营销传媒提供定制的数字营销策略,根据企业的具体需求和目标进行定制。他们理解谷歌 SEO 对大多数企业非常有效,但对其他企业可能不太适用。根据业务性质,他们可能会推荐其他平台,比如脸书或 Instagram。

如果我在 RY 营销传媒的网站上访问特定服务时遇到问题,该怎么办?

如果您在 RY 营销传媒的网站上访问特定服务时遇到困难,建议您直接联系 RY 营销媒体。他们提供 24 小时的客户服务,并以及快速回复服务而闻名。